With incease in Demand of Electicity in Present Scenario,Scientist are working to Develop Different source of it.In Our Daily life whether we are at college or at work or at home we use equipments that need electricity ..Fans,Tv sets ,Laptop,Machines,Etc..aal these require electricity fr their proper operation..Seeing all this a company named Altaeros Energies,founded by a group of MIT and Havard colleagues in 2010,started a project of developing and testing a prototype of floating wind turbine and the test was successful as per the news.
We all know that wind currents high above ground are much stronger
compared to those that move relatively closer to ground.Team at Altaeros Energies uses this idea as their base and use helium gas to fill the tube shaoed balloon to lift the turbine off the ground to a height where wind currents are stronger.But the question arise that may arise in one's mind will be related to its steadiness..How the turbine would remain still above the ground?.To this Engineers at Altareos Energies explains that the wind turbine will be held steady by making use of strong tethers which will also transfer the electricity generated to ground.A 35 ft scale prototype was used for the test at Limestone, Maine. The prototype rose up to a height of 350 ft from ground level, generated electricity and landed successfully as part of an automated cycle.Test was successful and now the team is intersted in its findings.The press release revealed that this prototype was able to produce more than twice the power at its current altitude than any conventional tower height turbine.
Other advantage of this floating wind turbine are : very little noise, doesn’t require much of a land, can be used anywhere since the currents are available at height regardless of the ground location and the whole setup requires minimal maintenance.